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5 Factors to Pay Attention Of When Deciding On a KVM VPS

Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) VPS are servers with hardware-assisted virtualization and they tend to be more powerful and secure when properly configured. If one is set on getting a KVM VPS, here is what you need to pay attention to to pick the right KVM VPS.

Type Of VPS

Firstly, one must decide their preferences of VPS would like between a managed server and a self-managed server. A managed server is one where it comes with a preinstalled operating system and readied management tools. This allows users to operate the server much easier, however, it provides lesser customization and configuration options too.

In contrast to a managed server, a self-managed server does not have a preinstalled operating system and the user will need to be knowledgeable regarding managing the server, installation of the required applications, and dealing with technical issues. However, it provides more freedom by getting root access and full control of the server.

Speed And Reliability

Next is the speed and reliability of the server as this factor plays an important role in holding a website. Apart from your personal impression of what you will get when purchasing the plan, it is important to also check the reviews and opinions of other existing consumers before making the final decision. It always gives a clearer view of what you are getting from the deal based on the existing consumers’ reviews.

Server Location

The third factor is where the geolocation of the data center. To reduce the bandwidth usage and improve loading speeds, choose one that is the closest to your location and consider running your website through a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Technical Support

It is also to learn how good is the technical support of your hosting provider, especially if you are an owner of a managed server. Most of the configurations are done by the hosting providers if you are on a managed server and having good technical support allows you to be able to get good feedback in case anything went wrong with the server. Aside from that, having good technical support gives a swifter response to any VPS owner for other requests.


The final factor is scalability, however, you can always easily add more hardware resources to your VPS. Different hosting providers provide different kinds of adding options and different kinds of packages plans, so check before confirming your purchases. The most ideal situation would be being able to customize your own plan and resource parameters.