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5 Important Thing Before Choose A server

5 Important Thing Before Choose A server

A server is a computer program or device that provides a service to another computer program. Computer designed to process requests and deliver data to another computer over the internet or a local network. The word server is understood by most to mean a web server where web pages can be accessed over the internet through a client like a web browser. However, there are several types of servers, including local ones like file servers that store data within an intranet network.

1. Connect

Network connectivity is the issue because every server is the market built-in networking. Network connectivity is more important. They would require more network adapters than a stand-alone server.

2. Budget


Server is cost ten of thousand, depending on the specific and model. It most important before choose the the server when your budget is worked you can make a decision on brand, size and warranty.

3. Space

Server comes in different shapes and design. You must consider the place,

There are three types of server:

Rack server: installed in rack
Tower server: like a tower
Blade server : thinner

Server Space

4. Storage

Different type server have a different of storage capacities. It depend on the size of business. Large business you need more storage while small business consider less storage.

5. Management

Before choosing the server make sure they support technical assistance. This because the server 24/7 and need a technical support if have technical problem (server crashes).

Experience is most important that you must considering before choose the server.
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