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Linux Virtual Private Server

4 Security Tips for Linux Virtual Private Server Hosting

What is Virtual Private Server (VPS)?

Virtual Private Server which means VPS is a virtual computer that an Internet hosting business sells as a service. 

Customers can also run their own chosen Linux distributions on Linux VPS Hosting. For varied purposes, they can operate numerous virtual machines on the host server with different distros of their choice.

Can Linux Virtual Private Server be hacked?

The answer is Yes. Virtual Private Server could be hacked. No system has a 100% rate of risk-free to avoid being hacked. However, the administrators can minimize the risk to the lowest possible level to avoid being hacked and attacked. The Linux operating system actually is secure but threats might come when users add some vulnerable software, leave applications unpatched and so on. The risk will increase or decrease based on what was changed in the system.

Local machines can be affected by sophisticated malware even more than that. It can occasionally transit the network from the hosted server and harm other systems. Sensitive data that is stored on the local server might be exposed and the host may suffer a data breach. Besides, malware can also damage the virtual machine instance if it does not traverse the network.

Customers actually are not encouraged to keep sensitive information on the server, it could be exposed to the attackers if the hosted provider is not taking the security seriously.

How to secure a Virtual Private Server (VPS)?

There are several ways to secure Linux Virtual Private Server hosting.

Choose a Trusted Hosting Provider that takes security seriously

Not every host provider will treat security equally, it is a factor that you need to consider before you use the Virtual Private Server (VPS). To keep your website is secure, the customers or client should choose their host provider wisely.

Monitor Server Logs

The hosting provider and the website owner should always monitor the server consistently. Log into particular events such as login failures, unsuccessful uploads, errors, and other frequent risks is required for server monitoring. This is because the log can be used for analysis and reports. This report will then give the administrators detailed information into the activity that is happening on the server. Besides, the log also can inform the administrators of an ongoing attack on the server.

From the perspective of the hosting provider or administrators, they can monitor the activity on their servers to ensure the client site is secure.

Implement a Strong password Policy

A password policy is always a need for any user with access to the network resources. For those users who often use weak passwords, the hacker might easily guess out their password by a brute-force attack. The higher the complexity of the password, the lower chance and risks that will be guessed out the password by the attacker.

Password should:

  • Contain at least 1 numeric character.
  • Contain at least 1 special character.
  • Contain upper case letters and lower-case letters.

Always Create and Safely store backup

backup keyboard

Backups is another method that will help you to secure your data. If the operating systems is attacked by a rookit compromise, with Virtual private Server you can just directly restore your data from a backup and retore the entire VPS instance instead of reinstalling it.

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