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Create Business Logo

The best slogan and logo makes your business memorable. You have a domain name and website it essential your design and logo. Memorable logo aren’t strictly purview of big business, your business also can create too.

Here the tips to keep in mind when designing the logo:



Choosing the perfect color to create your Business Logo. Different color is different emotion, such as yellow with happiness, green with health and nature and purple with royalty. Colors work with all types of business. It helps if using the feedback to refine your choice. To make the other colors, “Primary colors” can be mixed. The three traditional primary colors are red, yellow and blue. The primary colors are red, green and blue for TV screens and computer monitors. The primary colors of printers are magenta, yellow and cyan they also use black.



Be mindful about the size of logo. Your logo should be maintain clarity when displayed on small phone, business cards, pamphlets and wherever advertise


Choose the fonts carefully different fonts with different emotions and business types. Before you decide the font make sure other competitors using the similar font type. It good idea created a association between font and your industry.

When designing the logo make sure color, size and component of logo design. it important because first thing people will think of your business. Create something special.