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game server

Why Are Dedicated Servers The Best Game Server Option?

You might be losing out if you’re passionate about online gaming and haven’t yet invested in a dedicated gaming server. Unfortunately, many gamers rely on their home’s internet connection, which results in latency and other problems that might ruin their gaming experience.

Consider the following advantages of switching to a dedicated server if you want to take your game to the next level.

1. Better Performance

When you connect to a dedicated server for gaming, all of the resources on the server are utilized to improve your performance. When you’re linked to your home’s basic internet connection and sharing resources (such as bandwidth and processing speed) with other devices and users, the same can’t be stated.

2. Latency And Lag Are Reduced

Have you ever been upset when playing a game because of unexpected lag? If so, you’re well aware of how detrimental this can be to your gaming experience, particularly if you’re in the thick of a major multi-player event or anything similar.

You may enjoy less lag and overall latency when you upgrade to a dedicated gaming server. As a result, you may be able to prevent difficulties that wreak havoc on your gaming performance.

3. Customer Service Is Available Around The Clock

When you have issues with your home’s internet connection while gaming, you may have to spend a significant amount of time trying to reset your modem or router and fix the issue before you can resume gaming. It might be difficult to reach out to your internet service provider’s customer care (particularly if you’re outside of typical work hours).

With the correct dedicated gaming server, you’ll have access to customer and technical support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This means that if you have any problems while playing, you may call a qualified support agent and get the help you need as soon as possible, allowing you to go back to your game as soon as possible.

4. Enhanced Control

With a dedicated server for online game hosting, you may fully configure who has access to your server at any given moment. This is useful while playing games that need you to create teams or universes. Allowing your teammates to connect to your server while they play will provide your entire group with the resources they need to perform at their best.

Casbay Dedicated Game Servers

When compared to your home internet connection or a shared hosting plan, Casbay’s dedicated gaming server may help you take your gaming experience to the next level. Our dedicated hosting services will take your gaming to new heights by minimizing latency and allowing for more customization, as well as providing you with 24/7 customer assistance.

Do you want to learn more about gaming on a Casbay dedicated server? All of your queries will be answered by our staff. Of course, when you’re ready, we’ll be available to assist you in choosing the correct plan and setting up your account.