Veeam Backup as a Service (BaaS)
Protect your backups offsite without the complexity of managing an offsite infrastructure
Fully protected environment for your data
Data and information are a company’s most valuable assets in this data-driven world so data protection is more important than it’s ever been. However, the challenge for businesses is to find an offsite backup location for virtual infrastructure, it can be time-consuming and costly.
With Cloud technology, it’s different.
Casbay Backup as a Service (BaaS) powered by Veeam offers a quickly offsite backup at affordable cost compared to implementing a physical data recovery site. Veeam BaaS allows you to get your physical and virtual backups offsite to a remote, dedicated cloud repository through a secure SSL connection.
Simple and Cost Effective Cloud BaaS
Cost Effective
With Veeam BaaS, it is easy to scale-up your Backup services without being restrained by CAPEX demands.
24/7/365 Support
Our expert teams work 24/7/365 to ensure all your Backup needs and requirements are met.
You can track Cloud repository consumption and will receive reminders for hosted storage renewals.
Veeam Backup Key Features
Hosted Offsite
Get backups offsite to our reliable and secure cloud repository through SSL connection. Access and recover your data directly from our backup repository with your backup console and track cloud repository consumption easily.
Access, manage and recover data from our backup repository easily using your backup console and track cloud repository consumption anytime.
Leading Architecture
Includes backup copy jobs with built-in WAN Acceleration, all-time incremental backups, GFS (grandfather-father-son) retention policies and more.
End-to-end Encryption
Count on us as we encrypt all data without negatively impacting the data reduction ratios of built-in compression and WAN Acceleration.
Incremental Backups
Our BaaS solutions create all-time incremental Backups to eliminate the need for periodic full backups, and to save time and storage.
Scale-out Backup
Veeam’s Backup Repository feature allows you to access and manage multiple storage repositories reliably and efficiently.
Built-in Delegation have a track record of success
Assign backup and recovery tasks securely to other departments and teams within your organisation easily through Veeam’s built-in tools.
Centralised Deployment
Manage your virtualized and physical server Backups from one simple interface – with support for VMware, Hyper-V, Veeam Agent for Linux and Windows.
Casbay core services include:

Cloud Connect
A simple to use model of BaaS where you retain overall responsibility for the primary backup system, licensing, maintenance, upgrades and backup, and restore jobs. Casbay provides a cloud storage platform designed to fit your requirements, along with Cloud Connect backup licensing to provide offsite backup.

Managed BaaS
Casbay provides technical services to identify backup requirements and solution for a fully managed backup and storage platform. We offer ongoing maintenance, licensing, upgrades, duplicate backup copies and dedicated storage repository.

BaaS for Office 365
Get complete backup and recovery for your Office 365 data with our backup solution. Backup and recovery for Exchange Online, SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business.
Optional Add Ons
The following optional extras are available for all Casbay BaaS Solution.
Support bundle
Dedicated support and assistance with jobs configuration, restores and other general tasks.
Data Seeding Service
If you have large quantities of data, you can save time and bandwidth in seeding the initial data transfer.

Our secure and affordable backup service provides an easy-to-use client interface, unlimited scalability and storage in our worldclass data centers, backed up by 24/7/365 security staff and dedicated support teams with knowledge in backup and recovery. With Casbay, you will be supported by skilled experts with experience gained from all successful backups and recoveries.
How Veeam Backup Works
Veeam “3-2-1 backup rule” states that you have to keep three copies of your data, on two types of storage, with one copy being offsite. Offsite backups can be challenging due to limited bandwidth, exploding data volumes and a lack of resources required to build or maintain a true offsite backup repository.
Master this strategy with Veeam without spending more money and resources into a second site or adding bandwidth.